


2024-10-23 04:33:02

本文摘要:A solar-powered Swiss airplane took off from Abu Dhabi early Monday on the first leg of what its creators hope will be the first around-the-world journey without any fuel.瑞士生产的一架太阳能飞机星期一清晨从阿布扎比降落。

A solar-powered Swiss airplane took off from Abu Dhabi early Monday on the first leg of what its creators hope will be the first around-the-world journey without any fuel.瑞士生产的一架太阳能飞机星期一清晨从阿布扎比降落。制造者们期望这架飞机需要首次已完成无燃料环球飞行中。The carbon fiber single-seater Solar Impulse 2 aircraft has a 72-meter wingspan, which is longer than the wingspan of a Boeing 747, and weighs about as much as a car. The 17,000 solar cells built into the wings harness the suns energy, allowing it to fly through the night.用碳纤维材料生产的单人座“太阳能动力2号”翼展为72米,多达波音747,重量则仅有相等于一辆汽车。

加装在机翼上的1万7千个太阳能电池储存能量,以供夜间飞行中。The Si2 took 12 years to build and is the brainchild of two Swiss scientists - Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg.生产“太阳能动力2号”费时12年。


